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SDEVEN Software Development & Engineering Methodology

Version: 7.0.9
Release date: 230801

Operational Meetings (SDEVEN.45-OPME)

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This procedure treat production and planning meetings that take place in software development process.

Agile SCRUM compliance

Procedure follow Agile SCRUM methodology recommendations for meeting types.

From this perspective the meetings has two important sessions (aka discussion panels, sections). These sessions should be clearly marked on meeting agenda, meaning should be clear from agenda level what is the principal session objective:

  • planning for next with PLAN code-name1
  • review of what was done with REVW code-name2

Of course, in each session inherently can happen things of both types, but the principal session objective should be just one of them.

The sprint event and process

Before discussing OPME meetings a brief description of sprint concept could be necessary.

The sprint term describe the process (named event in "Scrum Guide...") where ideas, things are put in practice. It is a normal software development process like any other one and has the following properties.

sprint properties

It is a fixed length event of one month or less to create consistency. A new sprint starts immediately after the conclusion of the previous sprint. All the work necessary to achieve the goals / objectives including its planning, review, execution, etc happen within sprints.

These properties determine the nature of software development approach which, by using sprints becomes an iterative and evolutionary (spiral model) one.

Type of meetings

The OPME meetings can be first classified using 2 perspectives:

  • objective (OBJ code-name3) that was shortly discussed in previously section and can be a mix but with clear sections (discussion pannels)
  • frequency (FRQ code-name4) of repetition and duration (DUR code-name5) of each one

The OPME meetings are highly thought out to fit into the previous classifications WITHOUT CREATING mixes within each class or at least MINIMIZING the mixes.

OPME Meetings

The following types of meetings can be held:

  • development planning (devPLAN code-name) meeting (Agile SCRUM equivalent event: Sprint Planning)
  • operational schedule (devOPER code-name) meeting (Agile SCRUM equivalent event: Daily Scrum)
  • operational review (devREVW code-name) meeting (Agile SCRUM equivalent event: Scrum Review)
  • product goals review (prodREVW code-name) meeting (Agile SCRUM equivalent event: Scrum Retrospective)

devPLAN development planning

This meeting has goal to plan the start and execution of a sprint which will call sprintPLN in next. Also should note that a (any) sprint has a specific / principal objective (keep ONE to make sure the sprint is sprint !!!) which will be called sprintOBJ in next.


A sprintPLAN must take into account the following constraint assumptions during its execution:

  • no changes will be made, especially changes that would endanger the sprintOBJ
  • established quality (factors) will not decrease
  • the sprint corresponding CHANGELOG is refined as needed
  • scope may be clarified and renegotiated with the Product Owner / Product Manager as more is useful but having in mind first assumption
  • the sprintPLAN is the subject of ROADMAP file update

But where comes from the sprint? Well, it comes from a list with issues, usually found on ROADMAP file or a shorter list, but ROADMAP is the preferred place and this is "the way" SDEVEN recommend (see also the SDEVEN.55_TRACE procedure).

Otherwise, a sprintPLAN is absolutely similar to any other software development plan regarding an issue that has a clear and completely defined finality.

All the good practices and technical rules in software engineering, for example regarding maintainability, must be considered as in any software development plan made with maximum responsibility and care in observing the rules of software engineering.

devPLAN Properties

  • principal objective: planning
  • frequency: weekly

devOPER operational schedule

The purpose of the devOPER is to inspect progress toward the sprintOBJ and adapt the specifications (initial ROADMAP information) as necessary, adjusting the upcoming planned work.

The devOPER is a 15-minute to 20-minute event for the developers of the sprint execution team. To reduce complexity, it is held at the same time and place every working day of the sprint. All participants should act as developers regardless their actual position in project.

devOPER Properties

  • principal objective: review
  • frequency: daily

devREVW operational review

The purpose of the devREVW is to inspect the outcome of a finalized sprint and determine future adaptations. The team involved (including project manager) presents the results of their work to Product Manager (and other key stakeholders if they are participating) and progress toward the sprintOBJ is discussed.

During the meeting, the whole participating team review what was accomplished and what has changed in their environment. Based on this information, attendees collaborate on what to do next.

The ROADMAP, CHANGELOG and RELNOTE documents may also be adjusted to meet new opportunities. The devREVW is a working session and the team should avoid limiting it to a simple presentation of facts.

devREVW Properties

  • principal objective: review
  • frequency: minimum at 2 weeks

prodREVW product goals review

The purpose of the prodREVW is to plan ways to increase quality and effectiveness.

The Product Manager and Project Manager (and if needed anyone else from product team) inspects how the last 'sprint' went with regards to individuals, interactions, processes, tools, and their assumptions and awareness regarding "definition of Work Done and Done Well". Inspected elements often vary with the domain of work. Assumptions that led them astray are identified and their origins explored. The discusses are focused on what went well during the 'sprint', what problems was encountered, and how those problems were (or were not) solved.

prodREVW goal

The meeting goal is to identify the most helpful changes to improve its effectiveness. The most impactful improvements are addressed as soon as possible. They may even be added to the CHANGELOG and ROADMAP for the next activities.

The prodREVW concludes a sprint and its RELNOTE document. It will have a duration of maximum of three hours for a one-month sprint. For shorter sprints, the event is usually shorter.

prodREVW Properties

  • principal objective: review
  • frequency: monthly

Notes and abbreviations used in procedure

  1. PLAN describe a type of OPME meeting where planning is the principal objective 

  2. REVW describe a type of OPME meeting where review and actual situation analysis are the principal objectives 

  3. OBJ acronym used to show the principal objective of a OPME meeting - can be REVW or PLAN 

  4. FRQ acronym used to show the frequency of an OPME meeting 

  5. DUR acronym used to show the duration of an OPME meeting 

Last update: August 13, 2023